15 Nov 2017 Winter Hiking Do’s and Don’tsWhy stop doing what you love because of the weather? The winter can be one of the best times to explore nature, but there’s a lot to prepare for in such a cold season. Being someone who can brave the frigid temperatures won’t cut it out here – it pays to be prepared for theContinue reading →
13 Aug 2017 Plants to Avoid While Hiking in Old Forge, NYWe work so hard to prepare when we go hiking – wearing the right gear, packing the first aid kit, spraying the correct bug spray, etc. add kids in the mix and our preparation is kicked into high gear. Knowing that you’re prepared will help make hiking safe and fun! Have you heard the rhymeContinue reading →
12 Jun 2017 Hiking SnacksHiking is a great pastime. It gets you out in the fresh air and gives you plenty of exercise. It makes you appreciate nature, it makes you healthier, and it makes you hungry. Because none of the 2,558 miles of wilderness trails throughout the Adirondacks feature restaurants or snack bars, it is probably wise to bring someContinue reading →